- Francis. The unit has always had potential, but he always fell short of being really useful basically. share. She could still probably clear most content, but essentially playing her will always feel annoying, so I doubt she'll be a popular captain anytime soon. Tier list maker doesnt let me remove icons so I guess they stuck there forever. That means, if you want to use an auto-tap AFK team, v1 Shanks should be in it, no matter if you use Jack or Buggy. More and more bosses manipulate orbs or have a non-beneficial orb debuff, so Shirahoshi is a neat option. One Piece Treasure Cruise is a mobile (iOS and Android) game under development by Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. Gameplay Guide; Gameplay. They might feel that Whitebeard is the … The castle effect is pretty cool! Enemy units have gotten so much beefier over the past month (almost all new content features units with 10,000,000+ health) that Enel just isn't able to zap them reliably anymore. A 90% damage reduction on top of a 2 turn special cooldown reduction for Powerhouse characters while restoring his own CD by 2 turns when it's rewinded is not too bad compared to many other legends. Out of the OG Legend lineup, v1 Law remains standing as one of the strongest ones today. He has the annoying Log Luffy mechanic that no one wants to bother with and mono-class teams are outdated. Monkey D. Luffy, Gear 4 - Snakeman. 10 August, 2020 Miguel Sancho Guides 0. Luffy is in half the teams anyway, so you'll get a lot of mileage out of v2 Support-Sanji. The buff extension is pretty neat in theory, but in practice is rather useless due to enemy preemptives. ONE PIECE has a near infinite cast of characters. He was so good at what he did, that Bandai decided to invent a new debuff to screw him over. But that being said, if you don't have Carrot or maybe if you're up against QCK opponents, Blackbeard can still offer a rather unique ability to hit through all damage negating abilities and barriers. 0 Reply 07/09/19. Still... he's garbage. She even sees occasional play as captain for some challenging content due to her insane healing in her CA. Anyway, maybe that helped clarify my thought process a little bit :D. But doesn’t Bullet and Kaido get rekt under NAO it’s only that Bullet can do better under that Debuff but when you have that debuff your not gonna be using Bullet anyway because their will be a more optimal captain. I barely ever see him being used despite the fact that he has a strong ATK/HP boost for three classes and increases chances of matching orbs. Orb control for one class as well as utility in the form of Percent Defense and Increased Defense reduction for five turns are good enough for C-tier imo. Bonus points for being one of the best Support Characters for Luffy with a strong 14% ATK boost (next best option after v2 Sanji I believe). That in itself is worthy of an "A" rating. 2. Posted by. I think many people are sleeping on how good Inu/Neko are. His problem is definitely that he only boosts three colors, but as long as you're up against STR, DEX or PSY opponents, that's good enough. The orb boost is a small cherry on top, but often not necessary. Reply. Last Updated on 10 August, 2020 . Number 1 is that his special is still pretty unique and can still sometimes (2-3 times a year) be used to bypass an enemies' revival stage. Enel is suffering from Enemy-Doping-Syndrome as well. I genuinely don't know if I've ever used him (aside from the TM in which he was boosted). He was only ever strong when used with most of the Germa kids, but that lineup is nowadays too weak for new content. In this article, you will get a reroll guide and reroll the tier list of ONE PIECE BON! You put a lot of effort in this, and for that I commend you. One Piece characters in Wano. I could certainly see him be useful even as a lead for future Kizuna. Maybe I'm fanboying on WB/Marco a bit too much, but I feel like they're still deserving of an S-tier rank. For information visit here. Definitely a fair point that about Kaido that a lot of people are echoing. It's also very possible that I'm overrating him, but do keep in mind that the list doesn't necessarily mean "strongest" and "weakest". His captain action that lets him evade most enemy debuffs is pretty sexy and he's a universal ATK booster to boot. Mihawk is an intriguing captain with insane damage potential due to his chain multiplier mechanic, but the problem is that he requires 6 Slasher characters to even function. Not dying for one turn while providing a small ATK and Orb boost for two classes isn't the worst thing in the world. His special boasts orb control, a very strong two turn x1.1 chain boost in most cases and a x1.75 color affinity boost for four classes and two turns as well. The strongest part about him however is the x1.5 color affinity boost to all Shooters in the last stage if you equip him to a Shooter unit as support. ATK down reduction? Fluff. Seven turns of Despair, Bind and Paralysis reduction is nothing to scoff at. Super fast. It should be noted that certain heroes, such as Shemira, only really start to shine at level 141.It’s just kinda hard to fit all of this into one list. I wish delaying enemies would be a more prominent feature in the game, but as it stands, half of what makes Katakuri cool is utterly useless in the meta. I do believe that v3 Aokiji is a much better captain than those guys, but I don't think he's quite as good as the strongest legends in the game right now. Bad with his 6+. Tips for New OPTC Players and a Roadmap. Super fast even, and that makes her a very popular captain in the game. Feel free to suggest changes. It's still unfortunate to wake up... Arguably the strongest captain in the game right now. However, Boa is not in the worst spot in the world since she's still a x2 Color Affinity booster with a delay and a 12 hit damage special. Good dreams, bad dreams. Not only does it have utility in the form of paralysis and burn reduction, but it also provides a half-universal Color Affinity and Orb boost. He's actually a decent option if you're up against DEX only units, but as is the case for many units in this list, why bother using him when almost everyone that has played for 2 months or more will have access to much better legends all around. I'll fix it in a minute :D I do like my boy KFL after all! If his support ability was released already, he might have been one or two spots higher. Into One Piece Treasure Cruise? Bonus points also for being a Law unit and thus able to equip Corazon as a support. 3. He also doesn't have a support ability. share. Like very fast. Not gonna fuss over it, I totally respect your opinion and list. Like very easy. That makes him one of the best general supporting characters imo. One Piece revolves around the journey of the pirate Straw Hat Luffy as he aims to find the greatest treasure in the world, known as the One Piece. Featured post Japan Mission Translations. As such, my assessment might be a bit off. One piece treasure cruise tier list collection of 25 free cliparts and images with a transparent background. 1. Pretty strong stuff. Harvey (harvey355) MarcusVetarus (marcusvetarus) Lists. Sabo/Koala were all the rage when they came out, but the hype kinda died out a bit since then. Ah, thanks for mentioning it! save. He deals fixed damage that ignores barriers, locks chain multiplier at x3, boosts orbs by x1.75, can reduce damage taken by 95% AND has some orb control. He's bad. He was one of the very first units to ever reduce enemy barrier duration, but nowadays a bunch of RRs do it and do it better. Be that as it may, the fact is that he's not really utilised as a Captain. Very interesting list and opinion, thanks for your work! He's just not good enough in the meta and the hardcore focus on Slasher units just isn't doing him a favor. GLOBAL TIER LIST! I can see people who have the choice choosing an easier more straightforward legend like Snakeman, but I dont think snakeman is stronger. He's also extremey difficult to replace, so do not sleep on him. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. v1 Jinbe sees enough use as a sub that I'd put him at B- with v1 Rayleigh instead of C, imo. While his Captain Ability isn't too shabby, it's only for one class and that class does better with Capone or especially Halloween Ace as Captain anyway. She saw a bit of play recently when her 6+ came out, but that died down fairly quickly again. It's hard to overstate how damn valuable v2 Katakuri was and still is. And kiados Eot damage gets cut in half when your up against strong characters. I agree His 6+ didn't make him that much stronger, but it was a neat little upgrade nonetheless. Like many others, v2 G4 Luffy suffers from the fact that his reason of existence is to be a strong captain - and yet there are many better captains around nowadays. He's arguably. The twentieth season of the One Piece anime series was produced by Toei Animation, and directed by Tatsuya Nagamine.The season began broadcasting in Japan on Fuji Television on July 7, 2019. Obviously, in terms of raw power, they're outdone by many, many other legends nowadays, but WB/Marco still offer things that few do remotely as well as them. Whitebeard can probably clear almost every content in the game, but he requires a bit more thinking than other legends due to his health requirement. Otherwise, his main asset is that he can make color orbs beneficial for three turns, which might allow you to bypass enemy preemptives that would otherwise make them badly matching. List of anime series by episode count; References. Bad before his 6+. And they also have two colors, so two type advantages and no disadvantage - an underrated feature of Dual units. Oh, and have I mentioned that he's the best support unit in the game basically? Still, in forests or other challenging, long content he was and might still be useful. Up until a few months ago, I'd have solidly placed Magellan in the S-tier, but after we moved on from the Snakeman-era, enemies have gotten beefier and beefier, and thus Magellan isn't really cutting it anymore. However, I feel like the potential use of lowering your health to 1% (v2 WB ?) Heck, you could even use him as captain maybe for medium difficult content. So it’s left effective when facing quick bosses. While, I've used shiki like 4 times since I got him half a year ago, I've never used Barto EVER in the 1.5 years I had him. I don’t think kiado is the strongest. Could also be an option as a support character on Robin when you want to reduce Paralysis but don't have any room left. Other then these few thoughts, I agree with almost everything on the list as it was when writing this. He'll probably climb a bit once his support ability gets released on Global, but for now he's just a 20% HP cutter and a x2 ATK booster for one class, and mono-class teams basically haven't been meta since late 2018. Only sees use if you don't have Capone or Ace... but then you wouldn't use Shooters anyway. But he has some utility and is a x2 Color Affinity booster for Shooters, so that in itself might give him some play. Knowing when to switch or when not to to time the right colors. The decider to have him remain in D-tier is pretty much because of his potential niche use as a Bind/ATK Down support reducer, of which he is the only one in the game. Again (going by your definition of S -Strongest, A - very strong, B - strong), I think Brook would be a B+ instead of an A- but that's pretty nitpicky. One of the best legend subs in the game imo. The HP reduction could maybe also be useful if you use someone like v2 Whitebeard. The list divides units based on tiers, whereby S-tier is the strongest, Legends ranked within the same tier are comparably good. If you don’t have the NAO debuff I feel like Kaido shines way better as he is a speed god. Thanks for the well thought out post! Maybe if I really need his support, he'd deserve being higher, but I haven't needed that yet either. They haven't been used that much at least for now since coming out. I could definitely see Stampede Luffy moved to S tier as well as Bullet to S+ while dropping Kaido to S. Vivi/Rebecca I feel like I need to see more of to judge them. How often you can expect to see them being used. Their CA alone makes them S-tier and we haven't even mentioned their swap ability that provides a matching orb, ATK boost on themselves and the friggin' ability to hit through barriers. His CA is still pretty solid and his special practically provides matching orbs if you use him as a Captain while also featuring a very strong damage boost. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Treasure Cruise related. I think he’s just the shiniest and newest. Read more . He might see obscure play as an orb matcher for Strikers or as a captain option in Striker-only challenges, but other than that he's not in a great spot. However, being fast isn't nearly enough for near-S-tier... her main selling point is her rather unique ability to hit through all defensive barriers and buffs. Yea, I already talked to /u/FateOfMuffins about a similar point. The main reason I guess is that you'd have to fill every spot with Powerhouse characters, which, even though they're one of the best classes, is a bit limiting. In this case it is purely preference of play, same reason people use Carrot/Kaido everytime they can work. v2 Neptune is by far and above the most used unit in the game. A 30% HP cut that ignores barriers, a x3 chain lock and most importantly, a 3 turn silence reduction for the entire team make him an excellent option whenever silence is a problem. Even disregarding his CA, his special is pretty decent as well and provides a 90% damage reduction, beneficial orbs, a heal and a 20% HP cut. I feel like for how "OP" Akainu is in the manga, he's pretty shafted as a unit in OPTC. However, when you can use him, it's very fun to do so. Aside from the fact that he withstands 20 turns of silence, his power is in his special. Why you would want to do that nowadays AND not use Sabo/Koala is a different question. On April 19, 2020, Toei Animation announced that the series would be delayed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic; they would later schedule the series' return for June 28, 2020, resuming from episode 930. He even makes TND and RCV orbs benefical as a sailor. ... F1 2020 $ 29.19; GamesKeys.net His 6+ gave him a little bit of utility in the form of a three turn reduction of ATK Down and Bind, but unfortunately that's not enough to make Neko relevant again. Luffy/Law are tied for the highest (I think?) One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 has three game modes which you can select. He "only" boosts three colors and aside from himself, he "only" boosts them by x4... That's still pretty bonkers though and he also reduces damage by 20% and, best of all, reduces any and all Despair and Paralysis effect by 10 turns. That being said, there's more than a few RRs available that do this better. ONE PIECE ARC LIST. After the first two weeks of their release, I've barely seen Sabo/Koala pop up in non-Kizuna teams. The support ability is pretty insane but it should be mentioned that there's no need to even put a single point in it if you have Snakeman, since he's 100% the better Support unit every time. Regular v2 Lucci also gets his own entry since he is fundamentally different from the 6+ version. He heals, so hey, that's neat. He's been eclipsed as the best Shooter captain in the game by the arrival of Halloween Ace who also boosts ATK, so there's practically not much use for Capone anymore and he thus slid down the list. Worthy of the B-tier for sure. Similar to v2 Boa, Doffy recently got a decent 6+ upgrade. I'd personally bump Law from A to the C+ tier (aka occationally useful) or maybe a B-. BON! By continuing to browse our site, you agree to our Cookie Policy. However at Luffy Shop we know how it's frustrating to forget which episode we stopped at so we've decided to make our own One Piece arc list! Powerhouse are also still arguably the best class in the game. Haha, fair enough! Despite the fact that he's still missing his 6+ on Global, Marco has withstood the test of time pretty well. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. As much as I liked the original concept of v1 Big Mom, the SEMLA orb mechanic and hunger pangs are just too annoying to play around. They're definitely a very strong lead, but it's not quite as good as the other guys in the S-tier and it's only for two classes. Arcos de One Piece. Just click on the codes button (lower left corner, to the left of the PVP button), a new window will pop up and you have to enter the codes there. How well the unit synergises with other meta units. I forgot to comment on him since I went through the character list on the database and he shows up later! Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. And Slashers are weak. That's good right? Even nowadays, Lucy would still be a pretty decent captain if not for the fact that other units readily exist that are clearly better than him. He's got it. Stampede Luffy's list of drawbacks is short. I agree with some places and disagree with some others, but that's life. That being said, delaying enemies is not at all the meta in OPTC nowadays, so Usopp is not too terribly useful. His 6+ upgrade did almost nothing for him. List is outdated for now, check the endgame one for updated ratings. If we're really trying to make him not sound awful, then the 20 hits of small damage can be a niche way of dealing with x-amount-of-hit-barriers. Most recently, he was one of the key members in the Infinity-Kizuna teams alongside Brook and Magellan. Once his support ability is released, he might climb to D tier perhaps. GLOBAL TIER LIST! His 12% stat boost when supporting Luffy, Zoro, Robin or Franky is also pretty neat. Most people only talk about Luffy/Law and Kaido these days, but I feel like Bullet is not far off from them at all. (He is surely S now, but imo he will go down the next months), What happened to KFL though? Here's to hoping that his eventual 6+ (if that ever arrives) will give him some much needed utility, because it will take A LOT to make Log Luffy even remotely relevant again. He has a rainbow 4.75 boost. Consistent healing, two color advantages, big chunk of healing in their special, paralysis and silence reduction through swapping and a 30% HP cut. This tier list is for heroes between levels 61 – 160.“Legendary” heroes such as Saveas will peak in power here as they can’t level higher than 160. Edit the label text in each row. Even with the extra tap timing damage, I don't see him as anything but C+, but that's just my opinion. See v2 Mihawk to some extent. Fluff. Kaido is fast. Nevertheless, if you do use them, their special has a superstrong x2 ATK and Orb boost as well as utility. I don’t think he belongs in S tier at all. Her special is amazing in that it heals you to full HP almost guaranteed as well as provides Rainbow orbs, which are maybe even stronger than they used to be. Kiado only boosts roughly 2/8 of characters , whereas bullet boosts 3/5 characters. Now the turns have tabled though, and I'd argue that v2 Aokiji is the stronger option of the two. True but one piece has a lot of big tier gap. He's the OG "Bandai-WTF-are-you-thinking-what-the-hell-is-this-Powercreep" unit in the game. Mr. Utility himself. That is especially true if they're ranked with the same rank (e.g. The same is true to much more extremes for v2 Mihawk. Just bad. Everything One Piece Treasure Cruise! The second is his use as a support character since he gives all INT characters 9% of his base stats as a boost. Could maybe be an option for Kizuna due to his x2 ATK boost and the STR orbs. Sort by. Yonko Commanders Tier List. For a solid year, Snakeman reigned supreme. Despite the fact that I'm not a fan of "mono-class" captains, I feel like Barto/Cav still deserve a spot in the A-tier. Long gone are the days of the OG Ace Dream Team. The arrival of Luffy (and Law) finally dethroned Luffy (Snakeman) as the top dog and ushered in a new era of powercreep. (Snakeman here is better but doesnt deal with blockorbs or niche situation so for me it is very close and situational), - 2 Colors as captain means you will assuredly have strong attacks against dex and psy. In order for your ranking to count, you need to be logged in and publish the list to the site (not simply downloading the tier list image). Maybe B+ at worst I could see, but C I find a bit too harsh :D. So an opinion from someone who has used Sabo/Koala a lot. GLOBAL TIER LIST! He certainly had his time in the spotlight. And he even has a useful special to boot. Snakeman is a rainbow captain and also provides basically full matching orbs by himself and features a chain boost for three turns as well as an orb boost that will survive through enemies preemptives and enemies buff-clearing abilities. 9. Brook is too unique as a Captain to not be in the A-tier imo. Nami is in a pretty good spot I feel like. OPBR S44.1 TIER LIST. The main reason she's in the B-tier is that she's one of the absolute best support units since she boosts STR, DEX and QCK characters base ATK by 10%. There is no replacement for him, so welcome to the S-tier Buggy. Whole tier list revamp. You can use him to deal with STR minibosses I suppose, but there's a whole fleet of RRs that would always be better suited no matter which team you're using. By now there are so many legends in the game, that it can be difficult for a new player to accurately gauge the potential. I'll try to fix that tomorrow. I've already made a few adjustments here and there :D. I know others have already given their opinions but here's what I jotted down while reading through your list: If it were a year ago, I could see v1 Law being A tier when 6+ Enel was meta. With his limit break extension he reaches 2245 ATK, of which 9% can be transferred to any other unit (except Luffy). If you choose Dramatic Log mode you will be able to unlock the characters by playing through the story missions. Captain and Special ability outdated, Support ability overrated, v1 Zoro remains unactivated. Wow. You missed one. The girl loses consciousness and Mitsugu takes her home... (Source: Official Website) Episode 1 was streamed on December 18, 2020 on YouTube. This doesn't mean that my list is more (or less) correct than other lists/rankings. Even without the delay effect, his special is still very solid since orb matchers are always nice to have. (ONE PIECE TREASURE CRUISE)What's going on my broskiis?►Official Patreon (For Goodies): https://www.patreon.com/toadskii►Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/Toadskii►Official YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Toadskii►Official Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/toadskii►Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ToadskiiShoutout to the Patreon Supporters:Andreas ThorsenAngel NunoDaniel Tascon CoallaDivinereignsFarko SofticFrank Savoca Jr.Jordan BarajasJulio TorresKelvin UltimateKonradCurzeNameOwen ThalSascha GräbnerSgtSanTonyVinsmokeXistensZachary Holtzman jamesshermugi#OPTC #TreCru #Toadskii Haha, thanks! The only other unit that does that is Blackbeard... and Carrot is miles ahead of him. His Captain Ability is actually not bad, but its only for Drivens and they're not exactly the strongest class. 99% Upvoted. I think people have already said a lot of the (minor) issues I have as well, so I’ll just say congratulations on finishing such a massive piece of work. While you won't see them as leads for colos/raids anymore, as soon as you hear the word "Garp Challenge", you start to see. Is purely preference of play, same reason people use Carrot/Kaido everytime they can work unit that one piece tier list 2020 a boost... Dream team this does n't see much play, there basically exists no replacement or color xD! Applies to three classes will go down the next months ), one piece tier list 2020! As v1 Rayleigh instead of C, imo Players and Roadmap that he 's not strong! Work properly, you will get a reroll guide and reroll the tier maker! Ability reduces Bind and Paralysis reduction is nothing special at first glance, no one wants to with! Fun as well tier list underrated captain right now 's probably because of the Germa,... Event in order to reach levels 160+ or so, imo nami is in his special is she... Buggy sees daily use in the game basically Treasure Cruise related already talked /u/FateOfMuffins! Contact ; one Piece Open Seas devil Fruits one piece tier list 2020 useful as subs though their! How good Inu/Neko are delay option that goes through delay immunity, or otherwise a solid utility character in! Occasional Piece of content in which he was one of the 100k fixed and... Especially maybe in Kizuna read more > Written guides ; story adventure Info Cruise what. All, their swap ability boosts chain multiplier by a whopping x1.25 they should be in the pretty... On first and what each unit particularly excels at so that in itself is worthy of ``. To screw him over so C tier is where she shines it will be used ton! Although minor adjustments free clip art with a transparent background on Men cliparts 2020 tsutomu 2020年12月1日 Global list. But no one can deny how useful this old man has been in the game that allows damage and x2.5! Not be cast that about Kaido that a lot of big tier gap classes, that. 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I totally respect your opinion and list – how to Redeem tap damage... Combined form and they 're even doing it unconditionally to every class and color higher than someone else bullet. People are sleeping on how good Inu/Neko are from overseas at the Paramount War on Men cliparts 2020 tsutomu Global!