But Mr Drax admits they were active holding companies for his unlimited companies. and on. Official sources in Bridgetown, Barbados, confirmed the MP now farms Drax Hall. A wealthy Tory MP is facing demands to pay reparations for his familys part in the Caribbean slave trade after the Observer revealed that he now controls the plantation where his ancestors created the first slave-worked sugar plantation in the British empire almost 400 years ago. The value of the personalty was 10,381. So, no, Mr Drax is not a man for whom I would readily die in a ditch. Erle-Drax's two daughters pre-deceased him. The lineage of Richard Erle Drax Grosvenor and the Drax family was: His first wife (divorced 1997) was Zara Legge-Bourke, younger sister of the royal nanny Tiggy Legge-Bourke, relations of the Earl of Dartmouth. Mr Drax worth about 150million could also face a parliamentary probe. King Charles IIs brother, James, was president of the Royal African Company, the biggest supplier of slaves, and shares were held by such lauded figures as the philosopher John Locke and diarist Samuel Pepys. As one wag quipped, with the sugar industry and West Indies Test cricket team in decline, shes the islands most famous export. [9], Drax worked at York's Evening Press as a reporter in 1991,[3] before joining BBC South where he appeared on both radio and television media, including the daily television news programme South Today.[10]. That our great reformers led the world in ending it is often overlooked. For full article, see https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/12/hes-the-mp-with-the-downton-abbey-lifestyle-but-the-shadow-of-slavery-hangs-over-the-gilded-life-of-richard-drax. The latest examples of this can be seen in the confusing and expensive mess of managing Covid-19. Many Barbadians regard the original owner of this eponymous pile, Sir James Drax, as the devil incarnate. [21], In May 2022, Drax criticised the decision by Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak to introduce a windfall tax on oil and gas firms to fund economic support for the public during the cost of living crisis, accusing him of "throwing red meat to socialists". Richard Draxs family profited on the backs of black slaves for many generations. . Richard Drax MP was one of the first MPs to call for the criminalisation of trespass. According to David Denny, a self-proclaimed Barbadian revolutionary, the Tory politician should donate hundreds of millions towards the building of schools, roads, health centres and other community projects. But he is responsible for what he does now. But to hold a wholly innocent man to account for the evils of his distant ancestors seems utterly preposterous. The Drax wealth may be hidden by a great wall of secrecy and unanswered questions away from prying eyes. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. He is a privileged person to have this in his gift.Angela SingerCambridge, It is perhaps to be expected, but nevertheless disappointing, that after generations of his family enjoying so much more than their fair share of the fruits of nature and the labour of others, including slaves, Richard Drax seems unable to rise above himself and take some responsibility, as a few more honourable others have done, for the cost to his fellow humans, past and present, of his inherited property, accumulated wealth and self-serving politics. Beckles says Richard Drax should: One: apologise to African people and the people of the Caribbean. A cousin is the 19th and present Lord Dunsany. The MP for the nearby corrupt borough of Wareham, Dorset, he appears to have never said anything in the Commons save for asking the Speaker that a window be opened (though this story may be apocryphal). The mausoleum was demolished in 1935 and replaced by a flat memorial stone. One document reveals his involvement in the farm, showing that in February he registered the plantation as a business in the Barbados Companies House in his full name, Richard Grosvenor Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax. Following his death in 1887 the house and estate at Olantigh passed to his nephew, Wanley Ellis Sawbridge-Erle-Drax, who again shared his time between Charborough and Olantigh, until 1903 when the house burnt down. 207-11 (entry for John Samuel Wanley Drax-Erle Sawbridge of Charborough). One firm, ACF Co Holdings Ltd, has new accounts showing its subsidiary Abbots Court Farm (Charborough) had made 577,563 profits, and had capital and reserves of more than 1.5m. That is for Third World countries. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. They called us Little England, and in a lot of ways we still are.. The Buff Bay plantation was a sugar estate next to the Buff Bay River, south of Charlestown in Jamaica. During the election campaign there was some controversy when the Daily Mirror wrote that Drax's ancestors had earned their fortune on slavery. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. On 5 February 2013, Drax voted in the House of Commons against a Second Reading of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 that legalised marriage for same-sex couples. Its time for action! We are a people company first and a tax company second. A visiting priest described watching the punishment meted out to a slave who had stolen a pig to feed his starving family. IT and other providers signed up to contracts they knew were drawn up by employees who had no experience or ability to think through the detail. Its conical tower once held a huge bell that tolled at dawn each morning, summoning the slaves to their 12 hours of back-breaking toil. Pamela Weeks (19312019) and a grandson of Admiral The Hon. I have enjoyed a bountiful carrot harvest, having duped carrot fly by planting seeds in lavatory roll holders. Free person of colour, slave-owner in Jamaica. For the Drax family see entries for Richard Erle Drax Grosvenor and John Samuel Wanley Sawbridge Erle-Drax (q.v.). Cut in half, fill with potting compost, insert one seed in the centre, lightly cover and keep moist. So, it seems, this highly charged stand-off is set to drag on. Sir Hilary Beckles, a prominent Barbadian historian of slavery, said Drax must acknowledge the wealth brought to the family by slavery. I've never done it before and never done it since but it was a real moment of thoughtlessness and it won't happen again. Warning chocolate lovers ultra-processed foods might make you depressed, study claims, Can YOU guess the book? Richard Drax registered the details as the Sunday Mirror revealed his ancestors past and how he still makes a packet from the business. Others countered that, while the deeds of the Drax dynasty could never be condoned, they had already done much to benefit the community. It raises many ethical and philosophical questions. The Drax family did it longer than any elite family.. The move means voters have been denied details about his business interests, and under S106 of the Companies Act it is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make misleading statements. Clearly there are some glaring contradictions to all this. The plantation relied on slaves for almost 200 years and the MP said his ancestors involvement was regrettable. Sir Hilary Beckles, chair of the Caribbean Community Reparations Commission and vice-chancellor of the University of the West Indies, said: People of Barbados and Jamaica are entitled to reparatory justice. If this request is refused, the government intends to take the matter to an international arbitration court. Copyright Legacies of British Slavery - UCL Department of History 2023. Thus the descendants of a much wronged people can benefit from a new hospital, a well-equipped school or some well-planned housing. EXCLUSIVE: Revealed: Prison reform boss who drunkenly beat her husband every day after downing white wine Are you allowing your bank to rip you off? In 1827 he married Jane, the daughter of Richard Erle-Drax Grosvenor and a member of the Drax family which was so prominent among the slave-owners of Barbados. He also admitted that he had never given Mr Drax a second thought until he was contacted by Dorset-based members of Stand Up to Racism. The strongest-looking men could fetch 20 3,500 in todays money; lusting plantation officers would also buy young girls for their harems. Anyway, that all happened a very long time ago., Pointing proudly to the royal crown that still decorates military uniforms here, he added: Yes, Britain did bad things in Barbados, but it did a lot of good things, too. Companies House said failure to keep records updated could result in action. Before he first stood for election, in 2010, David Cameron apparently urged him to de-toff his image, whereupon he declared himself an ordinary man of Dorset. Richard Drax, the Conservative MP for South Dorset, has inherited the Drax Hall plantation in Barbados after his fathers death in 2017. In 1961, when minister of health, he spoke of setting a torch to the funeral pyre of the long-stay mental illness asylums, which he pictured as isolated, majestic and imperious. Richardmarried Christian Drax (born Falos (Fullas or Faloys))circa 1366, at age 29 at marriage place. Powells was a constructive and humane challenge to the entrenched attitudes of psychiatric and nursing professionals. Erle-Drax also owned an estate at Holnest, Dorset where he built an elaborate mausoleum besides the parish church. For the Drax family see entries for Richard Erle Drax Grosvenor and John Samuel Wanley Sawbridge Erle-Drax (q.v. In January 2016, the Labour Party unsuccessfully proposed an amendment in Parliament that would have required private landlords to make their homes "fit for human habitation". Richard Drax - or to give him his full name, Richard Grosvenor Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax - is the MP for South Dorset, owner of the Charborough Estate, and by my reckoning, the largest individual landowner in Dorset. Some new arrivals chose to hang themselves rather than face a lifetime of servitude, believing they would be resurrected and transported back to their homelands. When, periodically, the Africans rebelled, the reprisals were shockingly swift and savage. The newsletter is emailed out first thing every morning, at 12noon and every evening. Mr Drax had asked for their discussions to be private, Im told, but he arrived to find Ms Mottley accompanied by a coterie of messianic reparations campaigners. As Airbnbs shares go through the roof, we need to challenge the Big Tech monopoly, New Generation of Good Lifers who set out to grow their own Christmas. His father died in 2017.. Two: show remorse and participate in reparatory justice. He cant be allowed to get away with this, Mr Denny told me this week. In 1827 he married Jane, the daughter of Richard Erle-Drax Grosvenor and a member of the Drax family which was so prominent among the slave-owners of Barbados. No doubt some will accuse me of flippancy, but I have been heartened to learn, this week, that a good many black Barbadians share my misgivings. But the shadow of slavery hangs over the gilded life of Richard Drax, adding that The hardline Tory Brexiters family made a fortune from their Caribbean plantations where thousands died. Now, Drax faces urgent calls for reparations. They are only going after him because he is the last colonial owner.. In Barbados, the imposing plantation house, Drax Hall, built around 1650, still stands the oldest house in the western hemisphere and sugar is still grown on the plantation. Long-term partner and later wife of Thomas Legal Yates. [30] The Reparations Commission wants Drax Hall to be returned to Barbados, to be made into a museum. For, around 370 years ago, he also pioneered the importation of African slaves to cultivate his lucrative crop. One only had to watch the parade to see what he meant. The comments below have been moderated in advance. [15] In April 2019, in a speech in the House of Commons, Drax said that he "made the wrong call" by supporting the government's Brexit deal and called for the resignation of Theresa May if she failed to take the UK out of the EU by 12 April. IV, p. 211. Richard Drax, Conservative MP for South Dorset, earlier this year. CITING THIS RECORD:'Edward Drax', Legacies of British Slavery database, http://wwwdepts-live.ucl.ac.uk/lbs/person/view/2146643067 [accessed 2nd March 2023]. Once that process is completed, I will of course register it in proper accordance with the rules. Since then, we've grown to have approximately 12,000 offices throughout the United States and . To restate its commitment to recruit 50,000 nurses by the end of the current parliament not only fails to respond to the immediate shortages but also takes no account of the fact that the target was set before the onset of the pandemic. It only began to end after 1833, when slavery was abolished in the British Empire. Since then, we've grown to have approximately 12,000 offices throughout the United States and around the world. The TV presenter and historian David Olusoga says: The Drax family are one of the few who were pioneers in the early stages of the British slave economy back in the 17th century and, generations later, still owned plantations and enslaved people at the end of British slavery in the 1830s. The current owner is Richard Drax, a British member of parliament, who inherited the property after the death of his father, Henry Walter Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax (1928-2017), a former High Sheriff of Dorset. . His first home was a cave and his early farming ventures failed. Christianwas born circa 1341, in Yorkshire, England. According to Parliament's register of interests, Drax was one of 72 Conservative MPs who voted against the amendment who personally derived an income from renting out property. The plantation was added to the register only after we told the MP we were running a story. At Olantigh, large picture galleries and collections of art, Venetian Towers and garden ornaments, such as a huge fountain at the entrance, were added. Sleeping for less than six hours a night could increase your risk of getting infections by more Can you solve this trivia riddle? Richard Drax's 17th-century ancestors James and William sailed to Barbados in the late 1620s, . Home U.K. Richard Drax was gifted the plantation by his father. To provide help and inspire confidence in our clients and communities everywhere. The MP declined to comment this week. After a big uprising in 1675, more than 100 slaves were brought before a kangaroo court, 17 of whom were instantly pronounced guilty. Which MP is backing whom the updated list. He retained the rank of lieutenant with seniority from 10 September 1981 to reflect the three years he had served. Left his estate, including the plant and stock of the Hall Drax estate, Barbados, and his properties, furniture and other contents to his nephew, Wanley Ellis Sawbridge. Like many of his ancestors, Drax is a Dorset MP and is probably the wealthiest landowner in the House of Commons, with 5,600 hectares of farmland and woodlands. Though the event celebrated the islands severance with Britain, it drew heavily on British tradition, from the marching music to the choreography of the tattoo. Furthermore, he has been publicly criticised for failing to file his company accounts on time and omitting to declare his ownership of the Barbados plantation in the parliamentary Register of Members Interests. "[19][20], In June 2020, Drax wrote an article in the Dorset Echo suggesting that rioters linked to the Black Lives Matter protests had been responsible for desecrating The Cenotaph war memorial in London. In the view of Philip Whitehead, 65, who has managed the plantation for 39 years, however, later generations of the Draxs deserve credit for sticking with sugar, through good times and bad. His brother, Thomas Grosvenor (1764-1851); of Grosvenor House, Walthamstow, Essex and Stocking Hall, Leics. The department needs to respond to the very real concerns of beleaguered NHS professionals.Neil MacehiterGreat Shelford, Cambridge. Driving around the island, one sees evidence of this everywhere. [6], Drax was reinstated on the Active List on 10 September 1984, beginning his second and final period of regular service. Those who survived this so-called Middle Passage were paraded, naked and in chains, at an auction in Bridgetowns main square. The Draxes devised a commercial sugar plantation model, worked by slaves brought from Africa, that was immensely lucrative and copied across the West Indies and theAmericas. Drax was reinstated on the Active List on 10 September 1984, beginning his second and final period of regular service. (LogOut/ Richard Draxs 17th-century ancestors James and William sailed toBarbadosin the late 1620s, where they cleared lush land in the centre of the island and experimented with growing and processing sugar. He is said to have spent money prodigiously [Matthew Beckett] on both Olantigh and Charborough Park, including on the building of the celebrated brick wall surrounding the estate which is said to use about 2 million bricks. His grandson Henry concurred. Pictured:Richard Drax. The Drax family received 4,293 pounds, 12 shillings and 6 pence more than 500,000 today. Paul Lashmar and Jonathan Smith write, Hes the MP with the Downton Abbey lifestyle. Ukrainian soldier takes out five Russian tanks and three armoured vehicles in ONE DAY using US-supplied Ukraine's first lady condemns Putin for 'mercilessly firing at civilians' as 'deliberate missile strike' on 'Big Brother' AI robot is unveiled as government adviser that will monitor the public's opinions in Romania, Wife is shocked after husband of 15 years asks for permission to have an affair: 'I don't know what to do', My Daily Horoscope: What does March 2nd hold for MY star sign? However, Mr Pilgrim conceded that reparations claims could equally be made against many white Barbadians who have built successful businesses on the profits of slavery. For if blameless distant relatives are held responsible for the slave trade or indeed any other long-ago transgression where might all this stop? In recognition of this, a road has been named after Sir James Drax, and the islands oldest school was established, in 1695, with a bequest from his grandson, Colonel Henry Drax. David Comissiong, the Barbados ambassador to Caricom, said on Friday: There have been centuries of looting and siphoning off the wealth which should have remained in Barbados. IV, pp. [25], Drax lives in his family's ancestral seat, Charborough House a Grade I listed manor house in rural Dorset. We've been true to that purpose since brothers Henry and Richard Bloch founded our company in 1955. Within three weeks, his ministerial circular envisaged a variety of services for mentally ill people. After germination, transplant carefully, keeping the cardboard capsule intact, to a deep ridge or large straight-sided pot. 1462): the second oldest title in the Peerage of Ireland. We shouldnt be asking anyone for money. His great-uncle was the celebrated writer and playwright the 18th Lord Dunsany, and his maternal grandfather was General the Lord Weeks. Richard Drax, 64, has reportedly been threatened with legal action in the international courts by politicians on the Caribbean island if he refuses to comply with their demands. The Prestigious school where Princes William and Harry were educated is EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Prince William's potentially awkward visit to homelessness charity. Produce from Draxs firms all with offices on his Charborough estate in Dorset includes barley for brewers and opium poppies for NHS morphine. Its perpetrators lived like princes. If Richard Drax was in front of me now, I would say: Mr Drax, the people of Barbados and Jamaica are entitled to reparatory justice., Beckles, the chair of the Caricom Reparations Commission and vice-chancellor of the University of the West Indies, said: Today, when I drive through the Drax Hall land and its environs, I feel a keen sense of being in a massive killing field with unmarked cemeteries. Drax has not yet declared the land or its properties in the parliamentary register of members interests. Here is a key to explain those letter codes: Prominent Liverpool merchant and slave-trader. Ought we to track down Frenchmen whose families fought with William the Conqueror at Hastings? Charborough House, Dorset, Wessex, England, Olantigh, Wye, Kent, South-east England, England, http://www.dorsetlife.co.uk/2011/01/three-cheers-for-sawbridge-drax/, http://lh.matthewbeckett.com/houses/lh_kent_olantightowers.html, Occupations of enslaved women on Buff Bay Plantation, 1819, http://wwwdepts-live.ucl.ac.uk/lbs/person/view/2246. Later, the Draxes married into the Erle family that owned Charborough Park and the sugar profits helped to greatly extend the mansion and lands back in England. Was regrettable 12 shillings and 6 pence more than 500,000 today of slavery! ( 19312019 ) and a grandson of Admiral the Hon marriage place British Empire Hall to made. 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