By stretching your muscle and tendon before a race, you are running on longer, looser springs rather than the preferred shorter, stiffer springs. It is simply important that you stretch sometime. Think lunges, leg swings, squats, butt kick, high knees, and jumping jacks. Discuss: Should you stretch before or after your workout? Photo: Shutterstock. To do this, stand on one leg and lift your other knee to hip level. Unless you feel a specific area that is tight or trigger point that you think needs to be addressed, stretching doesn’t really make any sense. I am an on and off stretcher! Don't neglect this routine and wind up injured! When should a rider stretch, before or after riding, and how often? I don’t stretch, and I’m glad I should keep it up . Static stretches mean the body is still and just that muscle group is being stretched. Ankling and calf mobilization. You're about to go on a run. Whether you’re “for” or “against” it, there are a few things you need to know about stretching before running: It is best to do dynamic stretching during a 10 to 20 minute warm-up session before running. Maybe it's a sprint, maybe it's a marathon, or maybe it's just a jog around the neighborhood. "If the objective is to reduce injury, stretching before exercise is not helpful," says Dr Shrier. Photo: Unsplash “It’s helpful to realize that the old adage, ‘never stretch a cold muscle’ is true,” explains Jason Fitzgerald, USA Track and Field certified run coach, and founder and head coach of Strength Running. One minute, experts tell you to stretch before you run, and the next minute research reveals that static stretching (think: touching your toes) may actually zap performance. You should be thinking beyond proper gear when it comes to running prep. “It should be a bit uncomfortable because the point is that you have to have physiological changes to the muscle for it to benefit.”, 9 Probiotic-Rich Foods for Better Digestion, Smart Home Gym Options That Make Exercise More Fun. The best time to stretch is right after your run when your muscles are warm. For example, runners often perform dynamic stretches like hip circles, walking lunges, and butt kicks to activate the muscle groups used in running. How to: Start standing with feet together. We asked Fitzgerald for an example and he suggested the Mattock Dynamic warm-up routine, which includes squats, walking lunges, walking leg swings, high knee skips and more. Read next . We know, we know: Stretching is confusing. This is part of knowing how fast you should run, and it's easy to start off too fast. Unlike stretching before running it is important to stretch after you run. If you are doing a long (60 seconds or longer) static stretch before running to reduce the risk of an injury, you can stop right now. Do you stretch before going for a run? 2) The second is that stretching before running can help prevent injuries. When it comes to stretching after running, the same holds true. That’s where dynamic stretching—active movements that stretch your muscles without holding one position for too long (think: Frankenstein walk vs. touching your toes and holding it)—comes in. Recent research suggests that a better option is a more dynamic stretching workout before running, working your muscles through some of the … It has to do with body temperature. "If the objective is to reduce injury, stretching before exercise is not helpful," says Dr Shrier. You jump out of bed, throw on shorts and a shirt, lace up your running shoes and head for the front door. That leads to less force production, so your speed will go down.”. Also known as “Stretching before running prevents running injuries.”. Well, first, know this.