For the World Government to capture her, he suggested putting a bounty on her head, and sent Marines and agents to hunt her down, spreading the lie that she sank six ships to cover up the truth. Franky (Cyborg Franky) got to sail on the ship Thousand Sunny that he built for the Strawhat crew at first; through the entire Grandline to witness how his ship did. Kokoro gave Luffy a map to the next island, Water 7. These sounds were caused by the gates of the island that suddenly appeared, Thriller Bark, closing. Nico Robin is an extremely tall, slender, yet athletic young woman with shoulder-length black hair and brown eyes with dark, wide pupils (blue eyes in the anime, excluding the tenth and the twelfth movie). See more ideas about nico robin, robin, nico. A few days later, when the newspapers released the story of the Enies Lobby incident, the Franky Family and Galley-La shipwrights were removed from the report. She awakened sometime later and helped Luffy and Brook get to the top of Thriller Bark by sprouting legs on the walls to climb on. Brook, Franky, and Robin infiltrate Shiki's fortress. However, Oars recovered and Gecko Moria entered Oars' belly giving the giant greater strength than ever before. Nico Robin (ニコ・ロビン, Niko Robin) is a fictional character in the anime and manga series One Piece created by Eiichiro Oda. A revolutionary informed her that the construction of the bridge is an order from the World Nobles. Apr 25, 2013 - Explore Daiva Channing's board "Nico Robin", followed by 628 people on Pinterest. One Piece 20th Anniversary Carriage Ver Action Figure. However, she recovered quickly along with the rest of the crew and proceeded to assist in bringing Oars down with her move Cien Fleur: Big Tree. She said that if she had known there were people this kind in the world that she would have come to them sooner. Robin holding hands with her mother, Olvia. Shiki trapped her near the plants and headed off to meet the pirate captains gathering. One night, the old farm lady told Robin that before they could eat she had visitors. [35] Pell however was defeated by Miss All-Sunday[36] and Vivi was taken to the Rain Dinners basement. Kimi Raikkonen's son Robin has had his first go-karting experience at just four years of age! She has the paramecia-type hana hana no mi (flower-flower fruit) and was Crocodile's partner in baroque works with her codename being miss all sunday. Luffy challenged Crocodile for a second time but now he was aware that water is Crocodile’s weakness. Sanji, enraged, quickly defeated him using Diable Jambe. It seems Robin has lost this contest, and Nami can only give muffled cries as she grows more and more concerned about her own rumbling stomach~! In the anime, Robin's skin tone is slightly darker unlike in manga colored artworks where it is lighter. Sogeking talked with Robin and told her that the crew knew about her reasons for leaving. As Robin and Franky fought on, Robin found herself trapped in a web formed by Spider Mice. While it's miraculous to see Nico Robin alive and well today, it is baffling that she has been able to skirt death ever… After braving a storm that mysteriously came afterwards, Robin and the rest of the crew found themselves in the presence of a ghost ship. After Shiki was defeated by Luffy, Robin along with the other Straw Hats escaped using Thousand Sunny, using Shiki's pirate sail as a parachute. After the Straw Hats lured Franky to the Thousand Sunny, Robin asked if she could use her ability to 'persuade' Franky to join the crew, by using her powers to squeeze his testicles until he agreed to join, even with everyone looking on in horror to what she was doing and Luffy telling her to stop as he wanted Franky to "still be a man" when he joined. The Straw Hats met with Mont Blanc Cricket on another part of Jaya; Cricket is a descendant of Mont Blanc Noland, an infamous "liar" who told of a gold city on Jaya, and Cricket was outcast for looking for artifacts of the gold city. Robin first appeared as "Miss All Sunday", agent and vice-president of the Baroque Works organization, at the end of the Whisky Peak Arc. Saul followed Olvia's wish and managed to reach the island's shore. When asked if there was something interesting written, she agreed and smiled. After that, when Brook asked again if Luffy would honor his initial acceptance of joining the Straw Hats, Luffy replied yes. ;) Song: "Talk to the hand", Kate Bradshaw After that, they angrily called Robin an unfortunate woman who betrayed their kindness. He told her that he was letting Robin go, since he was curious as to why Saul risked his life for her. What is One Piece? Nico Robin is the archaeologist of the Straw Hats and one of the main characters in One Piece.She had one of the more interesting stories out of the members Luffy recruited into the crew, and was directly opposed to the crew for some time. Robin's first question about the Will of the D, however, was unanswered. English Name: One Piece - Nico Robin Kung Fu Style Glitter & Glamours (Ver A) One Piece - Nico Robin Kung Fu Style Glitter & Glamours (Ver A) Regular price $24.99. When Vice Admiral Garp arrived, Robin was surprised to learn that he is Luffy's grandfather. Many kids would talk about how she was a demon, and that they should avoid her at all costs. Later on during the party, she was seen watching over Zoro while commenting on how nostalgic the Binks' Sake song was. The Straw Hats (still missing Sanji) rushed to Galley-La Company headquarters where Robin and CP9, an elite group of assassins from the World Government, were beginning a raid. [24] CP9 found the Poneglyph in the basement of the tree, and Spandine sentenced the archaeologists to death by Buster Call. The Straw Hat crew watched aside as Luffy continued to battle Foxy with the odds not in his favor, and the fight continued inside Foxy's ship. She informed the archaeologists that her colleagues had been killed by the marines. However, Kuzan warned her that he will be the first to come after Robin if she tried anything. Robin then left on a boat guided by an ice path Kuzan set for her. Nico Robin (Devil's Child Nico Robin) found the true history of the Void Century through the Rio Poneglyph that was on the island of raftel. Nico Robin. [43] Just as Brook was about to perform before Robin and the rest of the crew, a ghost appeared and some clanking sounds were heard. ... 7 years ago. She was branded as being considerably powerful, and supposedly sinking six Buster Call warships with her Devil Fruit powers. Back at the Tree of Knowledge, all of the archaeologists were arrested and taken outside the tree, and once again Clover urged Robin to escape, but she refused once again. The Royal Army raised the white flag, with Koza in front, but he was shot down by a double agent in the Royal Army, provoking the rebels. Roji was Robin's … Once she and the rest of the crew finally left Thriller Bark, they held a toast to Brook, their new crewmember. Robin Raikkonen was born in January 2015 and looks to be following in his father's footsteps already! He also revealed his true intentions: to find the location of the secret ancient weapon Pluton, which is said to be buried in Arabasta. Later she helped Usopp and Chopper to defeat some zombies and escorted them back to the ship where they found Luffy, Zoro and Sanji. I WANT TO LIVE! The archaeologists, however, refused to leave; they wished to continue to protect the tree and the knowledge they had worked so hard to research and procure. Robin, realizing who was helping, shed a tear of happiness, and Franky himself reappeared with the keys they recovered fighting CP9 and freed Robin. Debut: As they approach Shiki's private village, the vehicle lurched back in fear almost throwing them off. Robin tearfully cries out her will to live. Even today, the archaeologist works hard to fight with her captain and her companions. After the Thousand Sunny got caught in what was apparently a spider web, Robin and the rest descended to the island. They all refused his offer and Kuma released his Ursus Shock attack, knocking Robin, along with the rest of the Straw Hats and the Rolling Pirates, unconscious, but regained consciousness after Kuma left Thriller Bark. After those who were affected by them recovered, Robin and the rest pressed forward. The army, realizing what was happening, tried to enter the palace but they were stopped by Miss All-Sunday. Later on, a party was held at the Galley-La swimming pool. You don't derisive to live. After warning him of the storm ahead, he came down to meet them. She then concludes that the Rio Poneglyph is on Laugh Tale. Grimmjow Jeagerjaques. how tall are they. Niko Robin The revolutionaries then offered Robin a meeting with Dragon. S[9] Meanwhile, a furious Crocodile recovered and ordered his partner to quickly depart. With the zombies defeated, she and Chopper tried to finish off Hogback once and for all, until they were forced to flee when Oars attacks the mansion causing the room to collapse. [37] There Crocodile told her his plan to overthrow Arabasta while it was being executed. Her mother, Nico Olivia, left Robin when she was just two years old in order to pursue the discovery of the truth behind the Void Century. The CP9, Franky, and Robin finally reached Enies Lobby and disembarked. Clover quickly changed the topic and urged Robin to leave, and not to mention that she is an archaeologist, or she might be arrested too. While employed in the organization, she managed to stay on long-term, safely hiding away from the World Government for four years.[28]. They also learned that to prove the power of the animals he is planning a demonstration using a village on the floating island. Robin refused and CP9 bust into the Tree of Knowledge and began searching for the Poneglyphs. The two became friends and Robin continued to visit him for the following four days, while he built his raft. "Nico Robin" has been featured, meaning it was chosen as an article of interest. The Going Merry was captured by the Foxy Pirates. They stumbled into the room with CP9 and met with Sanji and Franky. After learning it was Nami that delivered the warning, and that they were headed to East Blue, Shiki offered to take them there and used his power on the Sunny. She changed her mind about going to Baltigo with them. Crocodile soon arrived but did not get the information he wanted from the stone. When Robin received a newspaper, she laughed and was glad that Luffy was alright. 218,391f.] Seeing as he was carrying Robin, Saul put her down and retaliated in anger for almost hurting Robin, and destroyed several ships. **It was submitted by Arney Key, 24 years old. Luffy yelled for him to stop it but Crocodile impaled him with his hook during his distress then when he saw Luffy was still alive, he left him in quicksand to die. However, before Clover could reveal the name of the civilization he spoke of, he was shot point blank and mortally wounded.[25]. Statistics At the age of 30, Robin has a more mature beauty, which the 20-year-old Nami lacks. She told them that the Marines were able to infer that Ohara was their homeland based on the items they possessed on the ship, and they were headed towards Ohara, likely to kill them. It's not long before Blueno pulled their car back, though. He asked Crocodile for forgiveness, but is fed to his pet Bananawani (huge crocodiles with banana-shaped growths on their heads) instead. However, Moria escaped the attack with the help of Doppleman, his shadow. Koza wanted to warn the city but is stopped by Vivi, who stated that it will create a panic. When Luffy asked if anyone objected to Brook joining the crew, Robin smiled and said Luffy would have invited him even if they did. As Luffy charged towards the self-proclaimed god with Aisa on Pierre to give his location, Robin mustered up what strength she had to get the defeated Straw Hats to higher ground on Giant Jack in case Enel began his attack. Growing up, Robin lived with her Uncle, who had constantly abused Robin physically and verbally. Luffy broke it instead, saying that he would not allow her to decide their destination. He turned his back on Nico Robin and attacked her while she tried an assassination attempt of her own but failed. Terms like "devil woman" were born along with the belief that her very existence is a sin and considered her a terror. Robin went shopping with Chopper, but she disappeared after a stranger wearing a mask whispered "CP9" to her. Nico Robin is a major character from the manga series, One Piece, and is the archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates. There they met the Cerberus which Robin found cute. They've both been given large enemas and the last one to hold it gets a change, while the loser gets a spanking! Her ability to read the Poneglyphs are by far her most dangerous quality, and the World Government considers her a huge threat because of this. [52], She landed on a 'bridge country' called Tequila Wolf, in the East Blue, where the enslaved inhabitants had been working on a bridge between islands for the last 700 years. Gary (SpongeBob) Death The Kid. Luffy said they would return to East Blue to protect it when Shiki's ship appears overhead. At age twenty-three, she somehow entered the Grand Line from the West Blue through the Red Line where Mary Geoise is located. Robin ran off crying and headed to the northwest beach of Ohara, where she met the giant, Jaguar D. Saul, who was washed up on shore. Alive The four headed into another car, detached it, and escaped. Later Vivi was surrounded by Billions, but was saved by Pell, a guard of the king who flew to Rainbase after Karoo's arrival in order to scout. Although she found it regrettable that she had to leave Robin, it was something she felt she had to do: she left Robin in her brother, in his wife's, Roji's care. However, she inhaled the pollen it spread in the air and collapses, which allowed her to be ambushed right after by Shiki's minion, Scarlet. While Nami has arguably the most important position on the ship (navigator), by my personal opinion, Nico Robin is the better female. As Spandam laughed at Robin, the latter broke down in tears, reliving all that anger and frustration as she was being dragged across the Bridge of Hesitation, passing the arc on the bridge meant her fate would have been sealed after she passed the Gates of Justice, but Sogeking quickly fired gunpowder from another tower at Spandam, injuring him before he could get past the arc. Luffy then encouraged Robin to say that she wants to live, which she did, shouting out across Enies Lobby that she wanted to go to sea with them again. Visibly angered, Miss All Sunday easily dispatched the Marine grunts, and defeated Tashigi with her Devil Fruit ability.[38]. Luffy managed to finally defeat Foxy by using his own ability against him. ニコ・ロビン The Officer Agents all got pictures of Vivi and the Straw Hat crew (excluding Sanji) with the help of Bon Kurei's abilities and were given the order to hunt them down (excluding Chopper as Crocodile believed he was the Straw Hats' pet).[34]. When the Straw Hats returned and see what happened, Luffy decided to take a side trip back to Mock Town. Before getting the chance to save him, Robin and Franky were blocked by a giant spider named Tararan. Robin spent two years with the Revolutionary Army at Baltigo. Back at the Tree of Knowledge, Olvia, Clover and the other scholars had tossed out as many books into the ocean as they could so future generations could find them. Remembering Saul's words, she tried to laugh but wept as Ohara was burned to the ground, which left her as the only survivor. Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Upon entering the village they find a large building where many hundreds of pirates were gathering, similarly protected by poison plants. Whether this was due to her eccentric family or her own curiosity for the archaeological word, Nico Robin could never have been confused with another child. While there, the bombshells she dropped are sure to make some of the labels she’s been given, resurface all over again. Finnian. 188 cm (6'2") (debut, after timeskip)[15][13] Nico Robin was born on the island of Ohara, and came from a family of archaeologists. The assassins regrouped and were revealed to be Iceburg's own allies: Blueno the bartender, his secretary Kalifa, and two of his shipwrights Kaku and Rob Lucci. She managed to survive after having the ice encasing melted with hot water by her crew mates. [48], Soon after, Sentomaru appears with another "Kuma", revealed to be a Pacifista. I turned her in for you" as she pulled the agents' clothes in anger. Age: Xiao reappeared and gave them the Dial Nami left them. After briefly dueling with Kuma, the Shichibukai gave the Straw Hats an ultimatum: Let him take Luffy (who has lost consciousness from the pain and fatigue he gained from fighting Moria, and his body almost disintegrating), and the Straw Hats would be spared as they were not as much a threat to the World Government as Luffy was. Nico Robin (ロビン・ニコ, Robin Niko), also commonly known by her epithet name as "Devil Child" Robin (悪魔の子ロビン, Akuma no Ko Robin) is the archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates and their seventh member of the crew, the sixth to join, and (including Nami), also the second to rejoin, doing so near the end of the Enies Lobby Arc. Luffy and Foxy faced off in the final game: a battle of brawn aboard Foxy's ship. The archaeologist will join us after two years 30 years and considering the amount of time he has spent on Wanokuni so far, he has not yet blown out the candles for his 31st birthday. At a young age he was taken by Crocodile and used to force Robin to work for him. There Nico Robin, whom we know in the story, is 28 years old and maintains this age until the ONE PIECE time jump. However, after escaping, Iceburg arrived in a Galley-La ship just in time to pick up the Straw Hat Pirates as the Merry suddenly broke apart. Anime pre-timeskip They unloaded their firearms in the room, defeating most those gathered much to Shiki's dismay, then split up to defeat the rest. He looks like Ichigo from Bleach, just with the new features above.Also, the trench coat is the inverted version of Kirito's outfit from Sword Art: Online.His Rank 1 form looks like Ichigo's first hollow form, but without the hole and blue markings instead of red. After the Long Ring Long Land Arc, she was confronted by Aokiji, one of the three Admirals. Robin tried fighting the zombies, but they proved too strong for her. Introduction • Gallery • Personality and Relationships • Abilities and Powers • History • Misc. Seeing this, Robin became convinced that Luffy will be very important in the changing era of the world.[39]. They proceeded to charge into the Tower of Justice facing off against CP9, to rescue her. 27. share. She was also shown having her hands cuffed, indicating that she had to help build it. The archaeologist will join us after two years 30 years and considering the amount of time he has spent on Wanokuni so far, he has not … As the attack on Ohara began, it was discovered that Robin also had the capacity to read Poneglyphs. Around the same time, she witnessed Ohara's buster call and from there began a life as a refugee. Happy that her crewmates returned and rescued her, Robin was told by Sogeking, via Franky's Den Den Mushi, that she is indeed Luffy's friend. During the battle, Enel tricked Luffy, and temporarily prevented him from interfering with his plan by grafting a giant sphere of gold onto his arm and removing him from the ship. Out of paranoia of what would become of her, the World Government let word out that she posed a threat and soon the world was brainwashed into thinking that Robin was trying to destroy the world. Nico Robin is the archaeologist of the Straw Hats and one of the main characters in One Piece.She had one of the more interesting stories out of the members Luffy recruited into the crew, and was directly opposed to the crew for some time.