Promoted to Grand Admiral, Ackbar led the New Republic’s fleets against the fragmenting Empire. The Super Star Destroyer the Executor faces a fiery end during the Battle of Endor. Raddus is not only the most prominent member of the species since Ackbar, he’s also yet another top-ranking military commander for the Rebel Alliance. With Separatist warlord Riff Tamson trying to stir up hostilities between the Mon Calamari and the Quarren, Ackbar warned the Jedi Council that a civil war on Mon Cala was inevitable. Some notable Mon Calamari included the Rebel Alliance Admirals Gial Ackbar and Raddus, Mon Calamari royals Yos Kolina and Lee-Char, and the engineer Quarrie, who built the first B-wing starfighters for the the rebellion. in Star Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi… is originally from a planet called "Mon Calamari" – one completely covered by water, and with floating cities! Ackbar was Captain of the Calamari forces when Riff Tamson and the Quarren forces were trying to kill Prince Lee- Char. During the last days of the Clone Wars, several Mon Calamari musicians performed the Squid Lake at the Galaxies Opera House in Coruscant. This is Lego 7754 Star Wars Home One Mon Calamari Star Cruiser building toy set. Ackbar oversaw the rebel attack, coordinating with starfighter operations led by Lando Calrissian and Wedge Antilles. Mark Jones Actor | Star Wars: Episode V ... Stormtrooper, Snowtrooper, Rebel Trooper, Tauntaun Handler, Nien Nunb, Mon Calamari, Ree Yees, Mosep, Z-Winged Pilot, Tie Pilot. Ackbar comes from an amphibious alien race called the Mon Calamari, a species we don’t see too often in Star Wars movies, as they’re usually kept in the background. He was assigned along with Anakin Skywalker to protect the prince from the CIS. Before we go any further, we should acknowledge that not every Mon Calamaro is an admiral (#notallMonCalamari). Ackbar threw his ships against the Imperial fleet, appalled by the loss of life. Unfortunately, because the sequel trilogy -- which was directed by J.J. Abrams -- used the character for The Force … 4) Admiral Ackbar: An audio-animatronic Rebel Alliance Admiral Ackbar (or another member of the amphibious Mon Calamari species) sits next … 42. TM & © Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Slate relies on advertising to support our journalism. Of these figures, Mon Mothma, Crix Madine, Admiral Ackbar, and the Mon Calamari mechanic are exclusive to this set. That makes the Mon Calamari well suited to space warfare. Biography. This was a Fan's Choice Anniversary Edition exclusive to the Toys R Us stores in the US. That means the Mon Calamari have accrued plenty of military experience. See, the Mon Calamari hail from an aquatic planet called Mon Cala, and while there are a few cities above the surface, most of the planet’s life resides in the vast ocean below. Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. As in the air, fighting underwater requires the strategist to think in three dimensions, with the possibility of attacking—or of being attacked—coming from every direction. Recommended for ages 9-14, this Lego Star Wars pack has 789 pieces, including the first-ever minifigure of Admiral Ackbar. Ackbar was a Mon Calamari Admiral in the Rebel Alliance. But if you’re the Rebellion, it’s great to have them on your team. Mon Cala is also inhabited by another species, the Quarren, and their history with their neighbors hasn’t always been peaceful. He retired to Mon Cala, but was coaxed back into service with the Resistance by Leia Organa. In the nooks and crannies of the universe, you will also find Mon Cal princes, Jedi, senators, even ballerinas—go rewatch Revenge of the Sith if you don’t believe me. Admiral Gial Ackbar is a Mon Calamari fleet admiral of the Rebel Alliance, and a prominent member of the Alliance High Command. In fact, you’ll be recycling while making a cool puppet! The Mon Calamari ships played a very important role in the Rebellion, and that has continued to be the case for the Resistance as well, such as the Raddus. Ackbar was captain of the Mon Calamari Guard during the Clone Wars and fought in the Battle of Mon Cala, in which he helped to secure Prince Lee-Char’s ascent as King of Mon Cala and repel the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Admiral Raddus is the Star Wars’ universe’s Winston Churchill, a gruff, jowly military leader who supports the heroes in their mission to steal the Death Star plans. Jacted Up Tees Admiral Ackbar Star Wars It's a Trap Men's Tee Shirt- 3XL Black (188) is my favorite shirt. Gial Ackbar, better known simply as Admiral Ackbar, is a fictional character in the Star Wars science fiction saga. All rights reserved. He was popular to both fans and critics for his line "It's a trap!" Giving him company on the Home One Mon Calamari Star Cruiser are 6 other characters, including General Lando Calrissian. Kane's mention of Ackbar appears to have brought up some unresolved feelings regarding the character. A generation later, Ackbar led the Alliance starfleet, carefully avoiding all-out confrontations with the Empire and keeping the rebels a step ahead of their pursuers. (Just ask NASA, where astronauts sometimes train underwater.). The Mon Calamari won many victories, culminating with the Imperial defeat at Jakku. Influenced by a surviving Jedi, Lee-Char conti… Mon Calamari The Mon Calamari people are a humanoid, aquatic species with high-domed heads, webbed hands and large, goggle-like eyes. But that was destroyed as Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo saved the Resistance, so Leia found herself once more in need of ships. All contents © 2021 The Slate Group LLC. Despite being set in a galaxy far from ours, Star Wars is a human-driven saga, which means that when an alien gets a featured role, there’s usually a good reason behind it. Timothy Ackbar of the Rebel Alliance is a member of the Fried Calamari species. The Mandalorian season 2 finally puts to rest a famously overused internet meme featuring Star Wars ' Admiral Ackbar, a Mon Calamari alien who first appears in Return of the Jedi. On top of all that, when the Empire took over the galaxy, they invaded Mon Cala and subjugated the Mon Calamari to their rule, giving them a clear incentive to side with the rebel forces, in Rogue One and later on. Did you know? Pretty neat. During the Clone Wars, Ackbar was the captain of the Mon Calamari army loyal to the Republic. Admiral Ackbar was a Mon Calamari military leader for the Rebel Alliance. (The name was inspired by creature designer Phil Tippett’s lunch.) The delaying tactic was ultimately successful, as Calrissian and Antilles destroyed the Death Star. Gial Ackbar was born on Mon Cala and eventually rose through the ranks to become captain of the Mon Calamari Guard. A key member of the Rebel Alliance, Ackbar appeals to generations of fans with his military prowess and his distinctive, fish-like appearance. After the Battle of Endor, Ackbar became a Grand Admiral in the New Republic, winning many victories including the pivotal Battle of Jakku. He led the Mon Calamari forces in the Battle of Mon Cala in 21 BBY. (the N is silent, geddit?) Ackbar (geddit?) But as a species, they’re scarce on the big screen, and the two most identifiable serve in at the highest ranks of the Rebel Alliance—more specifically, as commanders of their fleets. By joining Slate Plus you support our work and get exclusive content. It has 789 pieces and includes 6 minifigures: Admiral Ackbar, Mon Mothma, General Lando Calrissian, General Madine, a Mon Calamari officer, and a Green Squadron A-wing pilot!. When Poe Dameron announces the Emperor's return, Aftab …